With autumn officially here, the stacks I'm thinking of aren't made of hay. These stacks are the kind you find in a library. And what better place to be on a chilly fall day than curled up in a "sequestered nook" indulging in your "love of learning"?
Now to mix metaphors, lately I've been preparing for the coming winter by squirreling away some tasty and nutricious treats of Americana by adding them to
"The Shelf" on Etsy.
Here's a sampling.

During the period known for the "Rise of Realism" in America, roughly 1857-1900, the "Local Color" school of writing flourished with the works of such authors as Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mary Wilkins Freeman, Hamlin Garland, Joel Chandler Harris and Bret Harte.
This paperback anthology, edited by Claude M. Simpson and published in 1960, comprises 23 short stories by those and other writers. $12

No 20th century American poet is better known or more beloved than Robert Frost (1874- 1963). While the clarity and simple wisdom of his work has confounded followers of "New Criticism," to millions of readers the poet's emphasis on courage, love and individual integrity confirms his definition of poetry as "a momentary stay against confusion."
This hardcover edition, published in 1942, includes Frost's essay on "The Figure a Poem Makes" and 221 poems. $12

When published in 1971,
this hardcover book created explosive reaction. Battle by battle, massacre by massacre, broken treaty by broken treaty, Dee Brown documents his argument that during the 2nd half of the 19th century the United States government abused and exploited Native Americans. Along with testimonies and quoted statements from the Indians, the book includes 49 black and white photographs of great chieftains, their wives and warriors. Even today, almost 40 years after its publication, reading this history is a moving and enlightening experience. $10
Every day I'm adding more vintage books and other items to
Prospero's Bookshelf, so be sure to check back often!
And for vintage theatre books and early American plays, visit my other shop:
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